When I was very little, I used to hang out with the Cubs, a sort of Scout but who, as 'I believe', have the one from the Jungle Book.
I remember we were little Mowgli whose aim was to learn how to live and survive in nature, respecting and harmony with animals and plants.
The cubs are divided into teams and everyone has a 'safe' place to make base camp.
My team was based in a graveyard.
So, every time we went to spend a weekend somewhere, we had to find that place's cemetery and use it as a refuge.
I think this is the fundamental reason why the cemetery is for me a place that evokes, happiness!
I've never felt it as a place full of sadness and the dead, but as a space to be filled with adventures and joy.
Even today I think that whoever died is not in a cemetery, but inside a sensation that suddenly presents itself at any moment in life.
I was 10 years old when I went to Egypt and visited Tutankhamun's tomb and the Cairo museum, where everything archaeologists have found in the tomb of the Valley of the Kings is kept.
I have clear in my mind every detail and was so fascinated by the Egyptian cult of the dead, that I became passionate about it.
Growing up, I came across my ancestors, the Etruscans.
Without knowing it, I really had 'at home' a people whose charm and mystery went hand in hand with the Egyptian people. There were many similarities and the alchemy towards this people meant that in 2010, I moved to Maremma, to Sorano, a village rich in Etruscan testimonies, where having an Etruscan tomb in the garden is part of normality.
Here the Etruscan rites are part of the daily life of the people and of the village festivals.
Many religions, of which we have historical traces, have venerated the dead, using practices similar to each other, where death was only a door to a new life.
We all wonder what happens after death.
Personally I think it would be too easy if everything ended after it.
A few years ago, during The Art of Living and Dying my Teacher pointed out to me that as in the incessant cycle of nature and the seasons, where everything is transformed, life too is transformed, in a simple and natural way, into death.
The human being thinks too much about death and this fear is the origin that prevents us from living life in its fullness and beauty.
What I understood from the Egyptian and Etruscan rituals and from the course I took is that if you are authentic, present and happy in life, death will only be part of a process of change.
Exactly with nature comes winter and the death of plants and spring follows, with its vibrant and colorful rebirth.
To be authentic and present it is necessary not to leave things unresolved .
Try to stop for a moment, close your eyes and weigh the one or the one with whom you have something unsaid .
Reach out to him, whether he's alive or dead .
Let go and forgive whatever I did.
Maybe resentment, pride is so strong that it doesn't let you live your life to its fullest?
Wise ancient peoples held that what is not resolved in this life, presents itself again in the next.
Are you sure, are you sure you don't even want to try?

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