Sant'egle is a visionary off-grid project , dedicated to those who want a positive change in the world .
We have the power to make our choices well and this is a place where production has zero impact on the environment and meets the values of a sustainable growth.
Our organic farm has the lowest levels of environmental impact and a daily commitment to respect all ethical practices, goes beyond the many awards won and institutional certifications.
A project based on the elimination of plastic , non-waste, rainwater collection, total waste recycling, photovoltaic production of electricity, solar hot water production, the use of electric tools for green maintenance, the use of gas company car, the production of only certified organic and biodynamic products at zero km .
Being in harmony with nature and the environment, for us, it is a life choice and priority being, like everyone else, stewards of a better future.
The project born in 2010 of the Sant'Egle organic farm moves according to personal needs for a sustainable life, respectful of the planet, coherent and ethical with one's daily choices.
A virtuous project that has been taken as a model by universities, innovative projects, foreign heads of state and ordinary people who want to make a difference.
There are many awards won that certify the truthfulness of what is respected throughout the process of our project.
Here is in brief what we do for the planet and what you will contribute by making a purchase of our products.
• Spirulina : since 2010 we have been the first Spirulina producers in Italy and the first to have been certified organic in Europe. In addition to the numerous beneficial properties of this superfood, spirulina transforms Co2 into oxygen and our production annually transforms 2000 kg of Co2 into 2000 kg of Oxygen, thus compensating for the mobility of our guests who arrive in Maremma with a fossil fuel car. More info on our dedicated website.
• Waste, recycling and land cleaning : we have reduced the purchase of packaged products to a minimum. We carry out and invite our guests to separate waste collection and compost on site by reusing the humus to fertilize our organic garden and flowers. We clean woods and roads from illegal landfills and with what we find we have created a Creative Recycling project, which gives new life to old abandoned objects.
• Catering : we only have fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables produced in our organic garden or purchased from other organic farms at km0. We only offer dairy products and meat from adult animals raised in the wild at KM0.
• Breakfast : in the breakfast buffet everything is produced on the farm or purchased from KM0 organic producers with the exception of tea and coffee which are imported.
• Water : each tap has a flow reducer for water saving. We sensitize both the staff and customers of the structure to the responsible use of water both for washing and for washing laundry. We collect rainwater to irrigate our fields and flowers. We offer free still or sparkling water and we do not see disposable bottles.
• Energy : electricity is produced by photovoltaic panels which cover the needs of the entire project and also allow us to sell the energy produced to others. The entire project is LED lit and has timers for energy saving. All appliances are Class A++ certified, we make customers aware of the change of bathroom linen at the customer's request (with consequent savings in water and detergents).
• Heating : a condensing boiler and a solar thermal monitor all the hot water needs of the project.
• Mobility and Transportation : we have a LPG car for our Green trips. Being an area where there is no train station or good public bus service, we offer free electric charging for all new hybrid and electric cars. We offer maps, GPS tracks and tracks that can be downloaded and consulted offline to enjoy the nature trails and paths, river itineraries, cycle paths that start from our structure, without the need to take the car. We offer ebike rental.
• Noise : the old farmhouse from the 1600s with large walls that muffle even the sounds of nature. Signs underline that in the common areas the active collaboration of the staff and guests is welcome to maintain the silence that this place offers.
• Promotion of the territory : we offer a self-produced map in recycled paper that promotes and disseminates tourist and cultural information of the area. The map is provided free of charge to the local tourist office and to the local tourist offices.
• Cleaning and laundry: we only use 100% biodegradable products and EM (Effective Micro Elements).
• Products and supply chain: we produce only organic products, the transformation is done in the company according to the ASL legislation and the prodocolli imposed by the organic. Our packaging is 100% biodegradable or recyclable. Our labels and boxes made from recycled paper.
• Bio Pool: a mirror of water created without the use of cement but only stones and a natural resin that holds them together. Inside, water from our well and salt from the WWF Oasis of Trapani. An electrolysis filter transforms the salt into natural chlorine. Reason why no chemical additives, chlorine and anti-algae are added.
• Bio building: the restoration of the entire 1600 farmhouse was done with bio building materials. The holistic space with its roof lawn is an example of bio-architecture where the landscape impact is zero.
• Glamping: a new way to take an eco-holiday in contact with nature. The Luxury tents are built with certified wood from sustainable forests, painted with water tempera with natural pigments, illuminated and heated by the sun.
• ECommerce: we protect the environment and compensate for the emissions emitted during transport. The bags and packaging material we use are made with recycled and recyclable raw materials. We offset the CO2 emission emitted for the transport of your products with the purchase of Italian forests, financing the Italian Forest Fund project
SINCE 2010 the whole project is certified organic.
1st WWF Italy Award for best sustainable agritourism in Italy
1st WWF Italy Biodeversity Conservation Award
Platinum Trip Advisor property
1st place in the Good Energy Award as the best virtuous and innovative award for environmental protection and energy saving.
1st classified as the best Italian saffron according to the new ISO 3632-1-2011 protocol.
Recognition from the Tuscany Region of 5 sunflowers (equivalent to a 5-star hotel)
Top 20 facilities for adults in Italy according to Travel Myth
Top 50 structures for a romantic stay in Italy according to Travel Myth
1st classified as Luxury Eco Resort of the year 2019 according to LTG Europe Awards 2019
Top 10 Best Pools in the Word according to Travel Myth
1st place THA, Travel & Hospitality Award 2020
Tripadvisor Travelers' Chice 2020
1st place The Luxury Awards 2021
A special thank you goes to those who believed in our project, who took a cue from what we did and replicated, even if only in part, our vision that a better world is possible!
MaTer a sustainable project within the Torre Guaceto Marine Nature Reserve in Puglia, Italy
PuraEco is a holistic nutrition project based in Brazil and Argentina
Japanese Agriculture Minister , MasahikoYamada , a concrete activist against Climate Change, Inequalities and Wars, brought the Sant'Egle model to Japanese farms for a change 'from below'.
A group of organic peach farmers from South Korea came to learn how to make stevia compote.
Case study in the fourth edition of Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry

Every year we donate part of the proceeds to projects that we know personally that we believe in and that we invite you to support.
2010 Sent through Mama Cristina (Erika's mother) refrigerators and beds for an orphanage in Morocco
2011 Donated 5 kilograms of biological spirulina to the Mayer pediatric hospital in Florence, eating disorders department
2012 Brought shoes, notebooks and pencils to boys and girls in the poor suburbs of Douz, in Tunisia
2013 Purchase of land for reforestation, biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration
2014 Planted a new holm oak forest for reforestation, biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration
2015 Donated to dig a well in a village in northern Namibia
2017 Funded a project for women artisan entrepreneurs in Italy
2018 Donated for the protection of the southern right whale
2019 Financing of the Fondo Forestale Italiano project for the purchase of the Umbrian forest for the protection of biodiversity and the ecosystem
2020 Italian Forest Fund project financed for the purchase of a forest threatened by felling, to conserve biodiversity and the ecosystem
2021 Italian Forest Fund project financed for the purchase of trees for a forest that has been cut down, to restore biodiversity and the ecosystem
2022 Funded for swings and slides for the Il Volo disabled center in San Lorenzo Nuovo (VT)
2023 Italian Forest Fund project financed for the purchase of trees for a forest that has been cut down, to restore biodiversity and the ecosystem and donation for the purchase of a lift for the Il Volo disabled center in San Lorenzo Nuovo (VT)
Interested in coming to visit us and want to know more about our project? read here!
We are a Zero Impact project, read here!
We support the Local Community, read here!
Awards and recognitions, the biggest newspapers, TV and satellite channels talk about us, read here!