Since I was born I've been planting trees and seeds, but are you aware that you're doing it too?

With the purchase of our organic products or a donation during your order, contribute to all this and the Planet is THANKFUL!

Your money helps plant trees that transform CO2 into oxygen, a vital source for us human beings, and seeds to conserve biodiversity and maintain a balance between flora and fauna.

Read the projects that we have supported so far with your money and know that we will not stop!

World Earth Day is every day for us!

Keep supporting projects like ours that IMPROVE and NOT CONSUME our planet, just doing CONSCIOUS PURCHASES I

We will use 10% of YOUR order to purchase forest threatened by logging or to reforest areas that have been logging.

Want to do more? donate what feels right for you before paying for your order!

Do you want to be part of the change?

Join the Sant'Egle organic farm family

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