Kit Menopausa Felice bio
€139,00 €209,00
Un kit nato solo per donne che vogliono essere felici in pre e menopausa. Ogni confezione contiene 90 capsule di: - Pausa + Energia bio DKE Iperico bio Vitamina C bio + 100 gr di  Spirulina bio croccante Tutto per la durata di 45 giorni. Menopausa Felice, elimina vampate di calore, la secchezza vaginale ed oculare, gli sbalzi d'umore, la pancia gonfia ed aiuta la ritenzione idrica. Da 2 a massimo 6 cps al giorno a seconda dei sintomi a metà mattinata e metà pomeriggio, a stomaco vuoto.   DKE, Vitamina D3 abbinata con Vit K2, essenziale fin dalla pre-menopausa. Non avendo più gli estrogeni non assimiliamo più la VitD3 ed andiamo incontro ad una progressiva degenerazione articolare che porta a dolori articolari, artrite, artrosi ed osteoporosi. Da 2 a 4 cps al giorno in base ai valori di VitD nel sangue. Dopo pranzo e dopo cena.   VitC bio, supporta il sistema immunitario e stimola la produzione del collagene, evita rughe, rottura di capillari e ritenzione idrica. 2 cps al giorno a colazione.   Spirulina bio croccante, assorbe tutti i metalli pesanti e nutre capelli, unghie e pelle, dona energia, voglia di fare, concentrazione e recupero forza muscolare. Mangiata prima dei pasti dona un senso di sazietà ma per dimagrire è fondamentale farsi aiutare da un nutrizionista esperto in menopausa, eliminare la fame nervosa e fare attività sportiva. 1 cucchiaino a colazione in yogurt o succo.   Iperico bio, utile in caso di ansia o tristezza improvvisa. Consigliato una mezz'ora prima di andare a letto perchè rilassa il corpo e la mente e ti permetterà di dormire un sonno profondo, di qualità.  Al risveglio avrai recuperato le forze grazie ad un sonno ristoratore. 1 massimo 3 cps al giorno, all'occorrenza e sempre 30 minuti prima di andare a letto.
Organic Menopause, 90 capsules
from €29,00 €60,00
- Pause + Energy only for women who want to experience a second Spring This supplement was created to counteract all the discomforts of menopause such as hot flashes, mood swings, fluid retention, swollen belly, vaginal dryness, changes in blood pressure and cardiovascular risk. It is a natural and organic product created by menopausal women for pre- and menopausal women. Unlike the synthetic products (created in the laboratory) found on the market, this is the first supplement without additives, composed of only plants of natural and organic origin, grown in the Tuscan Maremma and in Italy, titrated and with effective active ingredients. It is composed of red clover, hops, kudzu, sage, reishi and fennel. It has a complete supply of phytoestrogens and phytoprogestins which have a protective effect on the risk of developing ovarian and breast cancer and reduce cardiovascular risk. It is a product for all women because it is without GMOs, additives, colourants, preservatives, sweeteners, sugars, soy, it is gluten-free, lactose-free, vegetarian, vegan, it is in openable vegetable capsules (for those who cannot ingest them) and is notified to the Ministry of Health with code n° 166059 and to the organic certified body CCPB IT BIO 009 Ingredients: Organic red clover** (Trifolium pratense L.) flowers powder 202 mg*, Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) strobili dry extract 161 mg* (titrated to 0.4% flavonoids), Kudzu (Pueraria montana var. lobata (Willd .) Sanjappa & Pradeep) root dry extract 160 mg* (titrated to 40% in isoflavones), organic sage** (Salvia officinalis L.) leaves dry extract 121 mg*, organic fennel** (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) fruit powder 80.8 mg*, organic Reishi** (Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) P. Karst.) sporophore powder 80.8 mg*. Coating agent: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose The package contains 90 capsules of 500 mg, 45 g℮. We recommend 1 to 3 capsules per day based on the intensity of the symptoms.If the symptoms occur during the day, take the capsules mid-morning, if they occur during the night, take the capsules late-afternoon, between meals and at least 1 hour away from coffee. It is recommended to combine our Vit ​DKE to prevent joint degeneration, arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis and possible fracture of the femur. Contraindications and scientific information here More info here.
Menopausa + Prostata felice Bio, 180 cps
€62,00 €115,00
Due rimedi naturali e biologici per la secchezza vaginale della donna in menopausa e i disagi alla prostata dell'uomo. Menopausa + Prostata Felice  in offerta con il 47% di sconto La combo perfetta per tutte le coppie OVER 50che hanno ancoraVOGLIA di RI-SCOPRIRSI 🙏 a Cristina Yokochi Leiko per il suo dono artistico 💕
DKE + Magnesium + Bamboo + Vitamins + Sant'Egle Spirulina. 100% natural, 90 capsules
from €36,00 €44,00
A new supplement DESIGNED and DESIRED by WOMEN for WOMEN 100% natural Notified by the Ministry of Health n°161370 For all women aged 40 and over, in pre-menopause, in menopause and in old age. For those who want to prevent reduction of bone mass (osteopenia) and osteoporosis For all those who want to support the immune system For those who do not have the opportunity to sunbathe every day and live or work indoors Who have noticed from blood tests that they are deficient in Vitamin D For those who want to overcome a period of stress, tiredness and bad mood For those who want anti-aging For men who want to prevent cardiovascular risks 90 capsules of 600mg that will last 45 days. 54 g net Ingredients: Magnesium bisglycinate (of which Magnesium 94 mg* - 25% VNR**), Bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Willd.) young shoots dry extract 140 mg* (titrated at 75% Silica), D-alpha tocopherol acetate (of which Vitamin E 60 mg* - 500% VNR**), Menaquinone (of which Vitamin K2 100 mcg – 133% VNR**), Cholecalciferol (of which Vitamin D 50 mcg – 1000% VNR**), Algae Spirulina (Arthrospira maxima Setchell & Gardner) thallus powder 16.5 mg*. Coating agent: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. DKE is taken based on VitD deficiency. I always recommend doing a blood test (even the quick test at the pharmacy) to understand if you are deficient or not. In case of deficiency I recommend 2 capsules at lunch and 2 capsules at dinner. However, if you are within the norm, for maintenance I recommend 1 capsule after lunch and 1 capsule after dinner, every day, away from coffee which inhibits absorption. In this way, even the VitD contained in the meal will be assimilated by the K2 contained in the complex. Take care of your body, choose to feel good Listen to Erika's video and read here carefully because it is ESSENTIAL for all women!
Organic St. John's Wort, 90 capsules
from €23,00 €33,00
Relax, it's the New Organic St. John's Wort in capsules. Helps relax the mind and body. To forget stress, anxiety and sleepless nights. Notified to the Ministry of Health n° 136819 Ingredients: 100% organic dry extract of Hypericum Perforatum with 0.05% Hypericin, without sweeteners, additives, preservatives and colourants. Coating agent: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose The package contains 90 capsules of 500 mg 45 g℮. We recommend 1 maximum 2 capsules as needed or half an hour before going to bed. More info in the Bio_Blog Listen to Erika's video below!
Organic St. John's wort flower herbal tea, 50 g
from €15,00 €20,00
The St. John's Wort flower used in herbal tea helps to relax. More information on Bio Blog 50 g pack Ingredients: 100% dried organic St. John's wort flowers Listen to the video below, discover all its properties and the many ways in which we use and transform it, here!
Crunchy Italian Organic Spirulina
from €17,00 €20,00
Crunchy organic Spirulina of our production, Italian, Vegan, gluten-free, Raw because it is dried at low temperature, without fillers, colorings and preservatives, 100% pure Packs of 50 g, 100 g, 500 g and 1 kg Do you want to know everything about spirulina? Watch Erika's videos and read what it is for and when to take it!
Organic spirulina in capsules
from €40,00 €50,00
Organic Spirulina of our own production, Italian, pure, Raw because it is dried at low temperature, cryo-crushed and placed in vegetable capsules, without filler. Pack of 300 capsules. Net weight 100gr Do you want to know everything about spirulina capsules? Watch Erika's videos and read what it is for and when to take it!