Albert Einstein said ''Everything you can imagine, nature has already created it''

Albert Einstein disse ''Ogni cosa che puoi immaginare, la natura l'ha già creata''

Wise words, from a sensitive observer, with a visionary mind. I find them so current and true.
Today I feel I have to tell you the story of the Olivone di Semproniano, which is located not far from the Sant'Egle Organic Farmhouse.

A tree that moved me when I saw and touched it.

In 2000 years he has offered his tons of olives and his shadow, 25 meters high, to medicine women and partisans, listening to love stories, curses and octave rhymes.
A meeting place, where popular wisdom, ancient medicines, popular traditions, pagan rites and the political changes of history have been a source of great firmness for two centuries.

As too often happens, where a place of culture, conservation and incubation of positive changes is formed, foolish men also arrive who, to prevent such beauty, harm nature.

In 1998 they set it on fire, thus preventing the people who had been going there for centuries, from gathering again.

But nature has granted a second chance.

The Obstinate Olivone has survived, giving life to new shoots, carrying with it, with strength, its stories and legends, starting to attract new women of medicine whose purpose is to pass on the ancient recipes and the protection of nature.

When we arrived in Maremma in 2010, we were given a son of the Olivone which is growing luxuriantly in the garden of Sant'Egle.
A new love story has therefore begun together with my innate ancestral passion for herbs and nature.

I invite you to go and find the Olivone, he will show you the opportunities and second chances that nature offers us.

How do you make a high quality essential oil?
Erika in this video explains the whole process for your next conscious purchase!

Since the dawn of time, when we have a doubt, an uncertainty, we ask for advice from friends, relatives and people in whom we place our esteem and trust.

We know that you LOVE our products and that you are already talking about them, so we want to THANK YOU for your time by offering you your next order or, if you want to get to know our eco-sustainable project, a holiday with zero impact on the environment right here, where all the products you have purchased are born.

And we could finally meet!

Watch the videos and if you have any doubts, write to us!


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