Maremma attracts characters full of courage, ideals, passions, with surprising and unexpected stories.
Today I want to introduce you to the story of a woman who was a source of inspiration and courage for me, who taught me that when faced with what is considered right, one must never stop, accepting risks and consequences.
She was one of the last Partisans and was not afraid to fight for her ideals, risking lethal consequences during the Second World War.
I met this woman from the Partisan Action Group (GAP) thanks to another incredible Maremma meeting, Marina Piperno, the first female film producer Italy had.
We went to dinner at Farnese and it was an exhilarating evening full of action movie tales, the kind that keep you in suspense until the very end, but never want to end.
She said that before being a BBC journalist, she was in the British secret services and before that a Communist Partisan Militant and gave her courageous contribution, doing the 'relay', or carrying during the fascist regime, copies of the clandestine unit and weapons.
He narrated his life for hours that seemed to be 20, while with the complicity of Marina, they flirted with the young men of the next table, enchanted by these two powers of nature.
Her name was Rossana Banfi and she decided she is 96 years old, to move on, for new surprising adventures, because a woman like this doesn't stop her even if the body has decided to shut down!
Women like her are a source of great inspiration for those who, like me, want to carry on their ideals, at the expense of not being esteemed by everyone but above all, accepting the consequences.
And you?
are you like Rossana? do you do something special, good and right for each other, the community, our planet and all beings who live on it?
If not, it's never too late to start and NEVER be afraid of the consequences.
Spirulina algae cultivation does not exploit the soil by impoverishing it, does not use toxic products, does not pollute and uses renewable sources for its growth (sun) and its extraction (photovoltaic energy).
To produce 1kg of Spirulina which nourishes with its 70% protein, 6m2 of land are occupied, without depleting it.
To produce 1kg of Soya (genetically modified seed not present in nature) which it feeds with its 34% protein, 16m2 of land are occupied and impoverished.
To produce 1kg of beef with its 20% protein, 190m2 of land are occupied and devastated.
Spirulina transforms CO2 into clean oxygen, ready to be breathed! Through its natural process of photosynthesis spirulina feeds on CO2, transforming it into oxygen. In fact, every kilogram of spirulina produced absorbs 1.8kg of CO2, transforming it into 1.8kg of oxygen. Source Ari Maayan Biotechnologist
Water is a precious resource, just think that only 2.5% of water on earth is fresh water, of which 0.3% is found in rivers and lakes, 29.9% in underground aquifers and the remaining 68.9% consists of glaciers and perennial snow. According to the latest report by Unicef ​​and WHO, to date 11% of the world's population, 783 million people, has no access to this primary resource. Which translates into a dramatic figure: every 17 seconds a child in the world dies from the consequences deriving from the lack of clean water.
This is why it is important to know how much water is used to produce what we eat.
To cultivate Spirulina, 1/3 of the water is needed compared to Soy, 1/6 compared to wheat, 1/50 compared to beef.
To give a practical example, 6.5 kilos of grains, 36 kg of straw and 155 liters of water are used to produce one kilo of beef. The water footprint is equivalent to 15,400 litres. Raising one animal requires 5,000 cubic meters of drinking water, the equivalent of two Olympic swimming pools. Source La Stampa
There is no other food in the world that helps the planet during its production phase.
Yes, you read that right, cultivating Spirulina does not deplete the Earth's resources but helps them!

Choosing to buy a seed that has existed on our planet for hundreds of years helps our ecosystem to remain healthy and in balance.
All ancient plant forms are genetically strong, offer homes to an incredible number of living beings and are destined to reproduce forever.

While GMO seeds are sterile and offer little hospitality to life forms that normally live in symbiosis.

When a habitat is optimal, life forms go to live there in synergy, collaborating in the growth of life and the harmony of the ecosystem.

I always tell this story to make people understand the importance of biodiversity.
In Sant'Egle we don't have mosquitoes. Not because they aren't there or we kill them but because the biodiversity that reigns in our fields means that the food chain of all forms of life is complete, not broken.

I'll give you an example. If you kill a type of insect with an insecticide, its antagonist, or whoever draws nourishment from that insect, will move to an area where it can find food. Consequently, even those who feed on the antagonist will follow him.
Here is a broken food chain and the invasion of an insect, parasite or animal.
Choosing to buy food that comes from organic farming and ancient seeds is essential for conserving biodiversity, the richness of the soil and the life of the food chain.
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