Exams or deadlines at work?

Esami o scadenza al lavoro?
Does the thought of upcoming exams or a deadline at work knock you out?

Is the change of season sucking up all your vital energy?

If the mere thought of leaving the house in real life only makes you sleepy, I have an ORGANIC solution to get you up and out every morning, perky and motivated. Same thing for your children, grandchildren or the children of your friends who you see as apathetic and unwilling to do anything.
The period doesn't help and the beautiful days lead the mind to want to be anywhere outside rather than in a closed environment to work and/or study.
But remember, the sooner you finish your homework, the sooner you can go out into nature to enjoy the flowers, birdsong and nature!
Because I want the best for you, I have put our timeless organic Spirulina on offer.
Did you know that we were the first Spirulina cultivators in Italy in 2010?
And the first to be certified ORGANIC in Europe? Read here!
I have always eaten it and since I was a student as well as an athlete, spirulina saved me from wasting school years and losing competitive competitions!
In fact, spirulina gives a lot of energy, desire to do things and a lot of concentration. All this because it is made up of 5 essential amino acids of vegetable origin which, unlike a vegetable or animal protein, are already 'digested' and go directly towards nourishing the muscles and organs. It also has a lot of iron and for this reason it must be taken with Vitamin C (a seasonal fruit or our organic vitamin C capsules). This is used to assimilate the iron which will give a lot of vital energy, the one that makes you get up as soon as the alarm goes off. And last but not least it contains Vitamin B12 which nourishes the brain. This is why it makes you lucid and efficient both at work but above all for students who will soon have to face terrifying exams (I still dream about them!!)
Furthermore, there are two organic essential oils on offer that stimulate the mind:
Organic Rosemary essential oil which helps mental clarity and concentration: for students, for those who need to focus on a project. It allows you to focus your attention on a specific objective and maintain it for a long time, without fatigue.
Laurel essential oil is stimulating, if inhaled it gently activates energy, strengthens the ability to concentrate and memory; develops creativity; calms fears and exam anxiety. When you lack self-confidence, you are afraid of speaking in public, afraid of not being up to par or of not being able to achieve your goals: it promotes psychic awareness and intuition, "making the impossible possible". Useful in case of exhaustion, tiredness and stress.
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