Observing nature I realize that it is constantly developing and changing.
When it needs new solutions, it looks for associations and never tries to do it alone, isolating itself.
This is why I believe that collaborations are essential for a creative exchange and continuous growth of a green project like Sant'Egle.
From today the staff of Sant'Egle is enriched with a new green resource in the soul, Greta!
Greta will be the Naturopath and the Herbalist and Eco-Green Holistic consultant of Sant'Egle.
He will take care of your physical, mental and environmental well-being.
You'll write them through the chat of our e-commerce to get quick information and advice on the properties, indications, uses and interactions of all our organic natural remedies.
Greta also offers private consultations as a therapist, creating with you a plan of Holistic and Natural advice aimed at restoring your physical and emotional well-being.
Greta will provide you with advice on healthy eating, phytotherapeutic supplements, essential oils, Bach flowers and other natural products that are not harmful to your body.
Go learn more about Greta Bondarenko at Instagram and Facebook
Are we enthusiastic? And you?