To all women aged 40 and over, in menopause and in old age
For those who want to prevent reduction of bone mass (osteopenia) and osteoporosis
For all those who want to support the immune system
For those who do not have the opportunity to sunbathe every day and live or work indoors
Who has noticed from blood tests that they have little Vitamin D
For those who want to overcome a period of stress, tiredness and bad mood
For those who want anti-aging
A 100% natural solution desired and formulated by women for women.
In pre-menopause and during it, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease gradually and naturally. In the first months in which the process is triggered, it is essential to takeDKE + MAGNESIUM + BAMBOO + VITAMINS + SPIRULINA DI SANT'EGLEin order to help the calcium which will have difficulty fixing in the bone tissue and avoid a progressive reduction in bone mass resulting in osteopenia and osteoporosis.
This new complex supplementsupports the cardiovascular system by preventing the onset of calcifications and to reduce the atherosclerotic risk.
100% natural with 1st choice raw materials
contains the effective (organic) Spirulina from Sant'Egle
It comes in easily digestible and openable vegetable capsules
it is suitable for vegetarians, vegans and celiacs
Erika tested it in her pre-menopause
notified to the Italian Ministry of Health with number 161370
Vitamin Dcontributes to the normal maintenance of: bones and teeth, calcium levels in the blood, muscle and immune system function, absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus. It intervenes in the process of cell division.
It is poor when the diet is not balanced and healthy and there is little exposure to the sun
Vitamin Kcontributes to the normal maintenance of bones and blood clotting.
It is scarce when the diet does not follow the seasonal cycles of the products.
Vitamin Econtributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.
It is scarce when the diet is not very varied and does not include oilseeds and quality extra virgin olive oil.
Magnesiumcontributes to the normal maintenance of: bones and teeth, to the reduction of the sense of tiredness, fatigue, electrolyte balance, energy metabolism, functioning of the nervous system, muscle function, protein synthesis and psychological function.
It is scarce in those who abuse synthetic drugs which reduce absorption from ingested foods that contain it.
Spirulinahas a supporting and restorative action.
It is useful for those with a diet low in proteins, iron and vitamin B12
Bamboocontributes to the well-being of nails and hair and to digestive function.
Prevents and helps joint pain and back pain, osteoporosis, arthrosis and all degenerative bone diseases.
2 capsules per day at breakfast or divided into 1 after lunch and 1 after dinner
every day from 40 years of age onwards for all women
a 3 month cycle, 2 or 3 times a year for those with vitamin D deficiency
we recommend doing blood tests to monitor your values and consulting a doctor
We remind you that the maximum intake limit imposed by the Ministry of Health for Vitamin D integration is 2,000 IU per day.
Dosages exceeding this limit must EXCLUSIVELY be carried out under strict medical supervision, as they are intended for pathological states and have important side effects.
Quando sono arrivati i fastidi della menopausa ho iniziato la spasmodica ricerca di informazioni, rimedi, prodotti che mi aiutassero a ritrovare la serenità in un momento di cambiamento
Mi sono imbattuta in questa azienda e il video di Erika mi ha subito ispirato fiducia.
È più di un mese che assumo il prodotto e le vampate sono quasi scomparse
Riesco nuovamente a riposare e a svegliarmi con l'energia necessaria per affrontare la giornata.
Consiglio vivamente.
Sono entusiasta dei vostri prodotti. La spirulina mi sta aiutando molto a livello di maggiore energia. Anche la dke fa il suo effetto. Ho notato che alcuni dolori alle ginocchia, ad esempio, si sono notevolmente attenuati. Seguo un'alimentazione vegana e pratico sport, quindi tutto contribuisce allo mio stato di salute.