Steam distillation is a technique that allows essential oils to be extracted from the tissue of the plant, by means of their transport by water vapour. At the end of this process two important products are always obtained: essential oil and aromatic water or hydrolate.
The hydrolate can be applied to the skin after a shower or diluted in water to clean and perfume floors.
Read the properties
Laurel is stimulating, if inhaled it gently activates energy, strengthens the ability to concentrate and memory; develop creativity; soothes fears and exam anxiety. When you lack self-confidence, you are afraid of public speaking, fear of not being up to or of failing to achieve your goals: it promotes psychic awareness and intuition, "making the impossible possible". Useful in case of exhaustion, tiredness and stress.
Rebalancing of the skin, it restores the sebaceous balance in dermatitis which are often the cause of acne and inflammation. It is an effective remedy to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss. If rubbed regularly and consistently on the scalp, it stimulates microcirculation, promoting oxygenation and nourishment of the tissues, counteracting alopecia.
Digestive, 2 drops of laurel essential oil in a teaspoon of honey taken after meals helps digestion and soothes stomach pains. If diluted in vegetable oil and massaged on the stomach, it has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal system. Useful in the presence of spasms, irritable bowel and to eliminate gases that cause meteorism and flatulence.
The natural antidepressant, source Green Me
100ml bottle with spray.
Produced by Agr.Bio Aia del Tufo for Sant'Egle organic farm
Watch the videos on how to obtain a hydrolate and an essential oil