Do you want to feel good?

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Find out how Vitamin D deficiency can interfere with many aspects of your daily well-being!
One of the main roles of vitamin D is to regulate the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus, two very important minerals for fixing calcium in the bones and keeping bone tissue young.
According to multiple international studies, Vitamin D is also essential for much more
Vitamin D helps
HAIR, helps the well-being of the hair by increasing the number of hair follicles and consequently the quantity of hair.
SKIN, improves the skin in case of acne rosacea.
GLUCEMIC AND OBESITY, is a valid aid for keeping blood sugar levels under control. By influencing blood glucose levels, it prevents the risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, contributing to weight balance.
AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES, VitD deficiency has been found in diseases such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative diseases, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma,
IMMUNE SYSTEM, is essential against viruses and bacteria. Thanks to the presence of VitD, when we are attacked by a pathogen, the T cells of the lymphocyte family are activated and our immune system defends us.
GOOD MOOD, promotes good mood and supports energy tone,
HEART, helps the functionality of the cardiovascular system by maintaining correct blood pressure values, one of the risk factors for the heart.
How not to run out of Vitamin D?
NUTRITION, VitD is found naturally in oily fish, cod, salmon, caviar, fish roe, seafood, dairy products, mushrooms and eggs, Cod and Salmon.
It is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is why it should be taken during or immediately after a meal, better if accompanied by a food rich in fat.
To ensure that vitamin D can fix calcium in the bones, avoiding creating accumulations and hardening in the arteries, its intake must be accompanied by the intake of Vitamin K2. (not K1 which is used to thin the blood)
Furthermore, to optimize the absorption of vitamin D, Magnesium is important in addition to vitK2.
Magnesium deficiency prevents the activation and use of the vitamin by the body.
This explains why, despite taking vitamin D, the values ​​in some people remain low.
Last but not least, exposing our entire body to the sun for at least 30 minutes every day is essential for synthesizing the VitD we have taken in with food.
How to understand if Vitamin D is missing?
BLOOD TESTS, there are also quick tests in the pharmacy, estimate that the optimal would be 50 ng/mL8
TIREDNESS, chronic, exhaustion and little strength
DISEASES, lowering of the immune system and greater ease of falling ill
SKIN AND HAIR become dull and unhealthy
BREAKS, have bone fragility
MALNUTRITION, diets and food restrictions not followed by food culture or a nutritionist
DARK SKIN, or phototypes 5 and 6 act as a shield from the sun and block absorption
KIDNEY AND LIVER, when there are alterations
MEDICATIONS, some inhibit absorption, consult with your specialist
INFLAMMATION, intestine, cystic fibrosis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, intestinal restriction surgery, pancreatic insufficiency, inhibit absorption
CHRONIC PAIN, having greater sensitivity to pain, tingling in the hands and feet, tremors, spasms, muscle contractions, slow healing of wounds, are symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
Why are we deficient in Vitamin D?
According to an estimate by the Italian Endocrinologist Association, 1 in 2 people is deficient, especially in winter.
Vitamin D deficiency is so widespread because of poor nutrition, diets and food restrictions, but above all because we don't get enough sun every day.
In winter, when it is no longer possible to expose ourselves to natural sunlight, vitamin D levels tend to decrease, and this makes us deficient
Who is Vitamin D supplementation recommended for?
ELDERLY, who have a progressive degeneration of bone density
MENOPAUSE, with the natural decline in estrogen, pre- and menopausal women no longer assimilate the vitD contained in food and suffer arthritis, arthrosis and osteoporosis
DIMENORRHEA, those who have a cycle with large flows
THOSE WHO STAY INDOORS, entrepreneurs, managers, students, those who spend too much time away from the sun under stress due to work or study
THOSE WHO WORK IN PUBLIC PLACES, wherever there is contact with many people or children, serve to keep the immune system high
What does our DKE contain?
Vitamin D is of plant origin, it comes from lichen
Vitamin K2, essential for assimilating VitD, is extracted from Natto (fermented soybeans) NO GMO
Vitamin E, an anti-oxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress, is of natural origin extracted from soybeans (NO GMO)
Magnesium is of organic origin, bisglycinate (C4H8MgN2O4) a water-soluble salt. It is characterized by superior intestinal absorption and greater bioavailability compared to non-chelated forms of magnesium and inorganic salts of the mineral.
Bamboo is the silicon dust that forms between the rings of young bamboo shoots. This silicon is of biological origin.
The Spirulina of Sant'Egle is of our organic production. We were the first spirulina producers in Italy and the first to be certified organic.
Before starting supplements, always talk to your doctor
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