Tea, loose organic herbal teas and organic coffee capsules

€7,00 €15,00 -54% OFF

Scegli la tua bevanda calda preferite

Early Grey bio 100 gr Tè verde bio 100 gr Rooibos bio con arancia e menta 100 gr Tisana di Iperico bio 50 gr Tisana della Coccola rilassante bio 60 gr Tisana Digestiva bio 60 gr Tisana Depurante detox bio 60 gr Tisana Drenante bio 60 gr Tisana del Caminetto bio 100 gr Caffè biologico in cialde biodegradabili 50 cps

Tea, loose organic herbal teas and organic coffee capsules

€7,00 €15,00 -54% OFF

Scegli la tua bevanda calda preferite

Early Grey bio 100 gr Tè verde bio 100 gr Rooibos bio con arancia e menta 100 gr Tisana di Iperico bio 50 gr Tisana della Coccola rilassante bio 60 gr Tisana Digestiva bio 60 gr Tisana Depurante detox bio 60 gr Tisana Drenante bio 60 gr Tisana del Caminetto bio 100 gr Caffè biologico in cialde biodegradabili 50 cps

For you who want to remember the wonderful breakfast you had during your last holiday at the Sant'Egle organic farm, from today, you can have at home Erika's special selection of organic teas and herbal teas and 100% biodegradable organic coffee pods compatible for Nespresso machines

The teas and herbal teas are loose, minimum order 100 g, delivered in a paper bag.

We recommend storing them in a glass jar.

The biodegradable organic coffee capsules are in packs of 50.



English Breakfast organic, a strong blend of broken teas from India, Ceylon and Indonesia, with a traditional English flavour.
Early Gray organic , black tea ideal for lovers of the classic and timeless taste, a perfect balance between the delicacy of the tea, citrus aroma with the characteristic bergamot flavour.
Assam Satrupa organic , a black tea that grows near the Brahmaputra River in the easternmost region of Assam, near the border with Burma. The perfect soil conditions make this garden one of the best tea producing areas in the world. Golden in the cup and with an intense flavour, with an engaging aroma and a typical malty note.
Japan Benifuky organic , a black tea defined as a real rarity in Japan. The Benifuki Cultivar, created way back in 1965 in the city of Makurazaki, in Kagoshima Prefecture, is the result of the cross between two strains with different characteristics: the Benihomare, an Assamese variety found more in India and Ceylon, and the MakuraCd86, a sinensis variety most popular in China and Japan. The presence of the Assamica variety allows for leaves that are particularly suitable for processing as black tea. Its balanced flavor gives the palate notes of hazelnut and honey
Organic Pai Mu , an exclusive white tea from China. The large leaves are carefully vaporized and dried, thus obtaining a tea with a delicate, unique taste, to be sipped in the afternoon.
Organic green tea with an intense flavour, recalls the sensations and aromas of the fascinating drinking tradition in Morocco, where the drink is considered a true expression of hospitality.
Organic Sencha green tea enriched with ginger, turmeric and lemon peel is a plant native to India with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. With a full-bodied taste and oriental features, it releases light but unmistakable spicy notes.


Organic Rooibos with lemon is an amber-red colored drink typical of South Africa, where it has always been considered a real source of well-being. It is obtained from the African shrub Aspalathus Linearis; it does not contain caffeine and its pleasant flavor is reminiscent of honey.
Organic Rooibos with orange and mint

Cuddle herbal tea (children also like it) with rooibos, orange, mint, apple, hibiscus, rosa canina, sunflower, lemon, lemongrass, blueberries, kiwi, persimmons.
Organic digestive herbal tea with citron grass and ginger, a fresh mix of ingredients that have mainly digestive power.
Organic draining herbal tea with lemon grass, cinnamon, cloves, red pepper, black pepper, cardamom, pineapple, ginger
Organic detox herbal tea with mate, rose hips, verbena, nettle, licorice root, ginger, rose petals, chamomile, lemon grass, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, pineapple, ginger, citron herb, fennel, blackberry, apple, rosemary, willow, citrus fruit, roibo (without theine/caffeine)
Organic deflating herbal tea with lemon grass fennel blackberry leaves apple cinnamon rosemary ginger willow cloves myrtle orange peel cardamom sunflower petals.
Organic St. John's Wort herbal tea , helps to relax the mind and body and make dreams come true without interruptions


Organic Yerba Mate is rich in vitamin C and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron. It also contains caffeine and this gives the drink a tonic, stimulating and rebalancing effect: it is often used to combat headaches and intestinal problems.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
ornella musto
Tutto bio

Sono veramente felice che grazie al mio intuito ho dato fiducia ai prodotti Sant’egle , In quanto rispecchiano tutto quello che io cerco in un prodotto o integratore cioè ingredienti veramente biologici Ricchi di profumi naturali!e Sono veramente efficaci e salutari come descritto! Consigliati vivamente.

Cristina Leiko Yokochi
Tisana della coccola

Lascia un piacevole sapore in bocca, diventerà un'ottima scusa per coccolarmi più spesso. Grazie Erika!

Cristina Leiko Yokochi
Tisana DETOX

Ero incuriosita da questa tisana e quest'anno ho voluto giocare di anticipo prima ancora dalle feste di fine anno. Buonissima, la consiglio vivamente!

marisa Costamagna in Marisa
Ottimo caffè ☕️ di carattere

Ho acquistato le capsule del vostro caffè, siamo rimasti stupefatti dall'aroma intenso e dal gusto estremamente piacevole e persistente, davvero un'Esperienza positiva che sicuramente ci accompagnerà a lungo!

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